As if the influx of hormones and anti-social wake-up calls aren’t enough, nature decides it’s time for the FREEZING weather to make an appearance! One things for sure, my pregnancy glow has long gone!
However, thanks to smitten grandparents, I managed to wangle myself a little time to go and enjoy a PowerFacial at No.6!
I cannot tell you how blissful it was to be pampered with a Dermaquest Pumpkin Peel, followed by time under the warmth of the Omnilux Light AND to top it off Ruth sent me in to heaven with a relaxing massage.
Having had this facial may times before, I know that my skin will see the benefits for months! Plumper, hydrated, exfoliated…just to name a few!
But it wasn’t just about the skincare. It was about Kayleigh, someone I haven’t prioritised for a while. To me, self-care is really about nourishing and caring for ourselves… as I do for little Zélie. That gem of an hour was all I needed to recharge, that hour was for me.
Now…where’s that muslin?!