Observ520 Skin Scanning
Observ520 Skin Scanning with Carly £50 (redeemable on treatment courses)
Our skin discovery experience will show you a detailed analysis of your skin at all levels with the high tech Observ520 Skin Anaylsis scanner. This diagnostic imaging device visualises your skin including the underlying “invisible” layers. We can therefore tailor treatment’s and skincare to your skin’s individual needs to ensure you see great results and have healthier, clearer and brighter skin!
This consultation experience is ideal for acne, hyper-pigmentation and rosacea skin conditions plus for all aging concerns.
You can also receive a FREE skincare regime sent to you from our skincare specialist nurse Sam (this needs to be requested when you receive your scan results via email)
Cost for the 30 min scan with Carly is £50 (redeemable on treatment courses booked.)
Please Note
Please book a skincare consultation before your first facial at No.6 Clinic.
A course of treatments may be recommended to provide optimum results.
All courses of 6 pre paid facial treatments you will receive your 6th treatment FREE (non refundable)
No.6 Photo facial treatment requires a PATCH TEST 2 days prior to treatment.