Environ’s Free Skin Analysis Event

Ever wondered what lies beneath? Is your skincare routine doing everything it promised? Are your treatments actually worth the money? On Tuesday 23 September, No6. Clinic hosted its first free Environ Skin Analysis Event. Clients were booked into hour long sessions and had their skin evaluated by the Visia machine. One of the most technologically advanced systems available today.

Knowledge is invaluable in the quest for a more radiant complexion.  Environ’s Visia machine scans the face and produces a digital photograph which generates comprehensive reports. The idea is, not to compare your skin to a person of the same age, but to track your progress with the machine every couple of months, with the idea of a healthier complexion if you follow their advice. Kelly, the Environ specialist, highlighted and explained the photographs taken and the effectiveness of treatment options available to each client.

Among the many variables that contribute to the total condition of your complexion, eight are critical to choosing the right skin care treatments. Environ’s Visia machine evaluates 8 important factors:

  1. Visible Spots (Skin irregularities that appear on the surface of the skin — freckles, scars, age spots or blemishes)
  2. Wrinkles (A result of the aging process and most common around the eyes and mouth)
  3. Texture (High and low points of the skin — blue points show skin indentations; yellow areas are raised points)
  4. Pores (Small openings dispersed throughout the skin)
  5. UV Spots (Sun damage and spots on the surface and in the deep layers of the skin)
  6. Brown Spots (Skin discolorations including localized hyper pigmentation, under eye shadowing and moles)
  7. Red Areas (Redness caused by broken capillaries, Rosacea, inflammation or the aftermath of breakouts)
  8. Porphyrins (Naturally occurring bacteria that can become lodged in pores and lead to breakouts)

While Kelly told me my scores looked great for my age and skin type, she did point out that my UV Spots and redness score could easily be amped up with some small improvements in my skin care routine.

UV spots analysis

5, UV Spots – As you are aware 90% of wrinkles are caused by the sun, so I daily apply SPF to ensure this slows down the process. I, like many, am rushed in the mornings and need to remember to apply SPF around my eyes and on the tip of my nose. I also unfortunately in the past experienced a bad facial at another clinic and my pigments broke out, the Visia machine highlighted that I need to focus more on my cheek areas where this happened to build the deeper layers back up. Environ’s SPF 15 RAD

Red areas analysis

7. Red Areas – As you can see, I have some red areas highlighted around my nostrils, where I have broken capillaries, and around my hairline from where I have suffered from acne. To help reduce the inflammation in those areas, Kelly recommended Environ’s Intensive Colostrum, which is rich in immunity and stimulates growth.

Porphyrins analysis

8. Porphyrins (blue picture) – I am very proud of this image, Kelly mentioned I have healthy levels of bacteria on my face and none harmful, and this was after a full day at work. This is because I don’t use face wipes,  cleansers provide the perfect balance, whereas facial wipes either strip the skin so there is no bacteria (not good!) or will not cleanse properly meaning there will be far too much bacteria, most of which will be unhealthy.

The other areas analysed, such as wrinkles, pores and texture scored well and showed no areas of concern. I am happy to report that a combination of my No.6 Clinic treatments and Skinaddict.co.uk home care regime works! I am pleased with the direction my skin is going in. I am looking forward to the event in January, where we will book out the clinic for the day and invite clients, new and regular to the free Environ Visia Skin Analysis Event. Please call 01892 506930 to book.

Experts at No.6 Clinic can help you understand your skin, and you will see results faster than you hope.