⭐️ “This clinic in Tunbridge Wells knows a thing or two about skin salvation and customer care. Top notch treatments and a down-to-earth approach. We likey.” ⭐️
We’re very proud to share that we are in Muddy Stilettos Little Black Book of Best Businesses.
Muddy Stilettos Kent is the go to blog site bursting full of great local content, which we look forward to reading about each week. Alongside this, every year they run awards, which are voted for by you. Many of you will know that we have previously been crowned winners in the Best Beauty category in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
These years were when we offered beauty treatments at our No.6 premise on St John’s Road. However, we now are back solely focusing on bespoke advanced facials, medical treatments and cosmeceutical skincare at No.6 Clinic in Newcomen Road. We also dedicate our time to our sister business Skinaddict which offers the very best skincare products on the market delivered to your door.
You can read our No.6 Clinic page directory and make sure you sign up to their blog and social media pages, they are a must-read for what’s on, latest news and fab offers.
Stay tuned for a little Muddy readers’ treat, from us to you coming soon!